WHEN the Mighty Craftsman drew
Summer sky and summer sea—
Tints ethereally blue—
Here and there a small drop flew
From His brush, and fell on me.
Once a sober bird of brown;
Now, with my cerulean gem
Marking me for high renown,
Perkily I bear my crown
As a kingly diadem.
For who pays me fit respect
Full of friendliness am I—
Sprightly mite by heaven decked,
As a badge of His elect,
With a scrap of His great sky.
Out across the dew-wet lawn
Daintily I dance along,
And, as night’s veil is withdrawn,
Valiantly greet the dawn
With a loud, full-throated song.
Azure cape and azure cap,
Borrowed from a sunny sky—
Here and there a glowing scrap—
I’m a most important chap;
Full of great affairs am I.
For no soaring flight I yearn;
But, with wife and brood complete,
Dance I in and out the fern,
Bow and pirouette and turn,
With my whole world at my feet.